• CGR 4M The Environment & Resource Management

    Instructor: Mr. D. Brookes

    This course will provide students with opportunities to study, in a systematic way, the elements of the earth’s surface and the interaction between the systems on land, sea and in the air that are vital for supporting life. A dynamic equilibrium results as the earth’s systems constantly change to maintain a balance in the environment. People affect and are affected by the earth’s systems, and so it is important to recognize and understand the significance of the earth’s physical, chemical and biological characteristics in sustaining all forms of life


  • Sad Trombone

    Hey Gang,

    I owe you a huge apology for misjudging the length of that test. Anyhow, everyone can have it back tomorrow to either finish up (or review if need be).

    I have wronged you and shamed myself. Forgiveness please.


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