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Oct. 24th announcement, re: new teacher

Dear students and parents of ENG1P/L:

The school is pleased to have recently received good news from our school board related to the staffing at STA. As a result of our increase in enrollment and growing school population, we have been granted an additional high school section. What this essentially means is that we were able to hire a new teacher. With additional staffing, we are in a position where we must recognize some teacher assignments with the needs and best interests of our students as our number one priority. The students in this class will now have a new teacher for English (ENG1P/L) effective Monday, October 28th, 2019. The new teacher will be Mrs. Melissa Kucherepa.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we finalize our staffing for the year.

If you have any questions, please call the school.

On a personal note, it has been my pleasure to teach this group albeit for a short time. I look forward to a) coming by to visit the class at some point b) teaching some of the students in Gr.9 Religion, and c) teaching some of the students in other courses over the next three years.

Be well,

Mr. Rob D'Alessio