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Test Review sample questions

  1. What was one point the author of “Superman Song” making? (1)
  2. Who wrote Animal Farm? (1)
  3. Describe the character Boxer and name someone or some people that Boxer could be symbolic of in today’s world. (4)
  4. Who says "Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons?" and what did they mean? (3)
  5. What is interesting or important about the following quote: "Their most faithful disciples were the two carthorses, Boxer and Clover. Those two had great difficulty in thinking anything out for themselves, but having once accepted the pigs as their teachers, they absorbed everything that they were told, and passed it on to the other animals by simple arguments” (3)
  6. “Napoleon is always right.” A) Which character said that? B) That is what he was always told. According to experimental psychology, “The more times one is exposed to a particular statement, the more one is likely to believe the statement to be true. This relationship between repetition and perceived truth is mediated by familiarity; repetition increases familiarity and, in turn, familiarity is used as a heuristic for determining the truth statement” (“The Generality of Relation between Familiarity and Judged Validity” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making). Offer a journal response interpretation of this quote and offer a theory as to how the novel may have played out differently if Boxer was more skeptical of Napoleon. (5)
  7. Describe a strategy or tactic used by media (news or advertising) to persuade their audience. (3)