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The 5 People You Meet in Heaven

-The audio book can be found on YouTube, simply type: "The 5 People You Meet in Heaven,"
-The PDF can be found in course files and can be found on Google by typing: "The 5 People You Meet in Heaven PDF"
-We finished reading the novel in class today (Nov.14th). Recap: 1st person: Blue Man, first lesson: All lives are connected thus no life is a waste; 2nd person: The Captain, second lesson: Sacrifice; 3rd person: Ruby, third lesson: Holding Anger is a poison; 4th person: Marguerite, fourth lesson: Lost love is still love. Fifth Person: Tala, fifth lesson: all lives have purpose and meaning. Eddie joins Marguerite again and then waits in line with 4 other people awaiting the arrival of Amy (or Annie)... :) :(
-theme of the book: Forgiveness