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Culminating Review


ENG4C Culminating Task June 2019


-There are 2 sections to this culminating task. 1. Complaint Letter and 2. Choose between writing about dystopia or a blog on courage.



If you choose the blog option: A Blog is a web-log.  It is a webpage (yours will be done on paper or Bristol board if you bring in Bristol board (or you can bring in your own laptop)but it should look like a webpage).  A blog is always consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Twitter is also considered a blog. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

So, for your assignment here, you are to have “courage” as a theme as we have looked at courageous characters in the course. Write journal entries that define courage based on, and with references to, course content such as courageous characters you have been exposed to. You should also have links, posts from random fictional “followers” and at least one picture. You should also reference non-fictional examples of “courage.” You are expected to make good use of pencil crayons and/or markers.