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John Counsell notes

Yesterday (Jan.5th), we welcomed John Counsell as a guest speaker. He is a pastor at Vanier Community and Capital City Bikers Church (Pentecostal). He is also the host of "Late Night Council" on CFRA 580AM each weeknight from 9-11PM. He has been in talk radio since 1982. He has been with CFRA since 1998. One of his favorite quotes is: "We don't see things the way they are, we see things the way we are." -Author unknown-
-political spectrums and the curve theory that the two ends of the spectrum are essentially the same thing.
-the Bible's take on being submissive to Caesar and then comparing it to today's world and how our leaders are not as ruthless as people like Nero (etc)
-"How are you?" Usually people do not answer this honestly. "How do you think I am?" would be an honest albeit rhetorical answer.
-Best indentifications = your actions (He is pegged Conservative but he says he is a follower of Christ more so than a conservative). 
-Liberals are more left now then they were under Martin and Chretien.
-Promise Keepers Movement
-World is governed by pegged labelling 
-follower of Christ does not equal right or left wing ("The bird died a long time ago.")
-Failure of Detroit (free homes (you can buy a home for $0.00 in Detroit if you assume the debt of the previous owner, still a lot cheaper than a house the same size in any other US/Canadian city)).
-Media left to right spectrum, from left to right: CBC, CTV, Global, CBS, ABC, CNN, SUN, CFRA, Fox.