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HZT4U Journals inventory:
  1. Wayne Dyer quote
  2. Rumi quote
  3. 2 wands
  4. “It’s the space between the bars…”
  5. “The Drunkard’s Walk”
  6. Thought experiment/Sept.15th journal
  7. Stress
  8. Text thought experiment
  9. Customer service
  10. The Tipping Point
  11. Happy v. rich
  12. What is cool?
  13. Person of Science, person of faith
  14. The Disappearance of the Universe
  15. What the Bleep Do We Know?
  16. Flat out insane?
  17. If you could help any charity in the world…
  18. If you could own any business…
  19. If you personally had a chance to go in and change your grade in the computer with the guaranteed knowledge you wouldn’t get caught….
  20. If you had 24 hours to live…
  21. Imagine that someone gives you a gift to someone but the recipient refuses to accept the gift…
  22. Bishop Sheen
  23. 2 out of 3 culminating task journals
  24. “Idiot Nation”*
  25. “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelus”*
  26. Astro Theology*
  27. Noam Chomsky*
  28. Louise Hay*
*= after Jan.18th