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Personality Type (Family Life)

  ​Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most well known personality model in the world. Using four dichotomies (opposite pairings), the MBTI sorts individuals into 16 different personality types.
 1) Extrovert vs. Introvert - Preferred focus of attention.
Extroverts prefer to focus on people and things. Introverts prefer to focus on inner thoughts and ideas.
 2) Sensing vs. Intuition - Preferred way of gathering information.
Sensing individuals prefer concrete, factual information gathered through the five senses.
Intuitive individuals prefer abstract or theoretical information associated with 'hunches' or 'gut feelings.'
 3) Thinking vs. Feeling - Preferred use of information in decision making.
Thinking individuals tend to be logical, analytical, decisive and very 'black and white' when making decisions. Feeling individuals tend to give greater consideration to the impact their decisions have on their relationships, and are more likely to make decisions based on their values and the greater good.
 4) Judging vs. Perceiving - Preferred lifestyle or way of relating to the world.
Judging individuals prefer order, structure, and control.
Perceiving individuals tend to be flexible, adaptive, spontaneous, and prefer to 'wait and see.'