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Additional Exam Review (Hints)

In addition to our final exam review (June 19th): 

Here are some example questions:

2017 EXAM Hints

More example multiple choice questions:

  1. Recently some Aboriginal people have become concerned about non-Aboriginal people using traditional Aboriginal stories and designs for their own purposes. They consider this use of Aboriginal art forms a theft of Aboriginal culture and call it


  1. Cultural disgrace
  2. Cultural appropriation
  3. Cultural misrepresentation
  4. Cultural malice


  1. Contact with non-Aboriginal people has affected Aboriginal art forms in a number of ways: at the time of contact, European trade goods such as and                                       

were incorporated into artworks.


  1. Glass beads and aluminum
  2. Plastic and metal
  3. Glass beads and metal
  4. Fiber glass and plastic





  1. The ability to overlook the effect change has had on Aboriginal peoples and their lives are a form of bias called


  1. Ethnocentrism
  2. Stereotyping
  3. Judging
  4. Discrimination


  1. Aboriginal peoples have become -pushed to the edge of Canadian society.


  1. Minority
  2. Assimilated
  3. Dominated
  4. Marginalized


  1. Many Aboriginal groups were and lived migratory lives before the 20th


  1. Pastoralists
  2. Hunter-gatherers
  3. Agriculturalists
  4. All of the above


  1. People known as study the daily lives of all types of people, trying to change the way people are viewed.


  1. Anthropologists
  2. Social historians
  3. Ethnologists
  4. Ecologists


  1. Aboriginal people’s through, , passed on their stories, history, and law.


  1. Written documentation
  2. Body language
  3. Oral tradition
  4. None of the above


  1. Aboriginal peoples lived in family groups or and gathered into larger bands only at special times in the year.


  1. Clans
  2. Out-groups
  3. In-groups
  4. Extended groups


  1. Early Aboriginal groups were independent, societies before the arrival of the Europeans.


  1. Self-diplomatic
  2. Self-proclaiming
  3. Self-sufficient
  4. Self-governing


  1. Aboriginal peoples suffered profoundly due to the effects of ,such as small pox, competition for                                                 , and the introduction of                                              


  1. Diseases, women, domesticated animals (dogs, cats)
  2. Diseases, land, maze
  3. Diseases, furs, rifles
  4. None of the above

Examples of Communication Section Questions (where you have to pick one):

Who are Indigenous peoples and what makes them different?


How are Indigenous peoples among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of people in the world today? What special measures have been taken to protect the rights of the world’s indigenous peoples? Be specific.


Describe a variety of approaches that Indigenous peoples are taking to preserve and maintain Indigenous knowledge as it relates to such things as culture, language, and the environment.


Identify the nature and scope of “self-determination” as articulated by Indigenous peoples worldwide.