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2018-19 Council

Student Council wishes to thank and commend all those who ran for Student Council this week. Your school spirit and leadership are appreciated. 

2018-19 Student Council 

President: Olivia Esnard

Past President: Toni Steele, Mikyla Guy

Student Senate Vice Chair: Emma Patterson

Vice President: Trent Shane

Treasurer: Peter McCanell

Social Chair: Presley Barwick

Spirit Chairs: Erin Arbuckle, Liam Hill

Athletic Chair: David McNair

Arts Chair: Abbie Rose Ford

Secretary: Jackson Deverteuil

Communications Officer: Beatrice Gregoire

Grade 12 Rep: Patrick Humber, Hollie Berkers, Jack Minor

Grade 11 Rep: Ethan Warnock; William Menard; Kayla Smith

Grade 10: Zoe Rivera, Gavin Veinotte, Meadow Donnelly 

Social Justice Chair: TBD

Best Buddies: Mackenzie St-Marseille